Qui sotto le nostre imterpretazioni;
Crissi (gli acrilici sono stati usati nel titolo 'estate' e nel fiore a bolle):
Simona ( ha usato della carta da recupero con dei pallini dove ha messo sopra l'acrilico verde ed ha creato lo sfondo della pagina):
Patty (ha spennellato acrilici bianchi e azzurri sulle carte):
Mommi ( ha ripassato il contorno del fiore con crilici per dare più risalto):
Paola (ha spennellato il fondo del suo Layouts con acrilico bianco):
Sabry (ha spennellato il contorno della foto con gli acrilici):
E questa è la foto del premio che si aggiudicherà la vincitrice di Aprile!
Guardate un pò che meraviglia di cosine:
Le pagine possono essere di qualsiasi misura, ma rigorosamente cartacee!
Le vostre pagine dovranno essere inviate entro il 30 Aprile all’indirizzo email dthobbydicarta@yahoo.it
Lasciate un commento in questo post quando ci inviate le vostre pagine, così siamo sicure di vederle tutte. Le pagine che ci invierete saranno caricate in gallery (che trovate anche nel link delle sfide, sotto sketch di Aprile 09).
Che belle pagine! Mi ispirano tutte tantissimo!!!
fatta e anche in super super rapidità!!!vi ho appena mandato un email!! Avevo una voglia matta di provare a giocare con tutto quello che ho imparato al pacs in questi giorni :D
by paLLina
Vi ho mandato una mail con la mia pagina. Grazie dell'ispirazione :o)
Fatto!!! Adesso vi invio la e-mail!
Vi ho appena mandato una e-mail...
grazie e buone feste a TUTTIIIIIIII
salve, partecipo alla sfida del mese di aprile Vi ho appena mandato una email con il mio lavoro.
Francesca Bonatti
mandato anch'io...
Vi ho appena inviato la mia pagina…
grazie dell'ispirazione e buone feste.
ciao, vi ho appena inviato la mia
ciao , anche questo mese vi mando la mia
:-) ciao Mary
Ciao ragazze. Ho appena hanno il mio progetto di e-mail! Adorei! Baci
Ecco la mia intepretazione di aprile. Un abbraccio. Ci vediamo domenica a Genova.
mandato il mio primo layouts susy
Anche se in ritardissimo vi ho appena mandato il mio layout!!!!
Fatto!!! Scarico la foto e invio la mail...
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Fioricet contains a combination of acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and fever reducer.
Butalbital is in a group of drugs called barbiturates. It relaxes muscle contractions involved in a tension headache.
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It relaxes muscle contractions in blood vessels to improve blood flow.
Fioricet is used to treat tension headaches that are caused by muscle contractions.
Fioricet may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Have you ever seen anybody end up going completely bald while on Propecia?
Interesting question. Some men start Propecia when they have advanced balding patterns and few start when they have a full head of hair with early miniaturization. Those that started Propecia with a full head of hair (with some miniaturization) are slowing losing hair to some degree, but I do not recall anyone that became completely bald. I suspect that there are patients who will develop a Norwood Class 7 pattern of balding even on the drug, but these are few and far between. This does not mean you are guaranteed to not go bald on Propecia. I suspect I have not followed someone long enough in the last 10+ years to have seen it (or if they became bald, they never followed up with me).
What is obesity? Is it just a condition where a person is fat or few pounds overweight or is it a condition that can prove to be fatal? Though very few people realise this, obesity can prove to be fatal. It can not only lead to several other health risks but also cause death ...
Today is different. Today there is valium. I had a doctors appointment early this morning for some minor issues I've been having and they gave me a lose dose valium to relax me for the test (not psych tests as TG may lead you to believe). Enough so that I could still function at work since there is zero chance of taking off (O.k. if there are large amounts of blood they let you go home!) So here I sit at work actually having completed all of my work and awaiting edits. I don't have a care in the world (except for those imaginary people who keep bothering me while I type.)
I see the value of valium.
Ultram is a type of narcotic-like oral pain reliever that is often prescribed to treat low back pain. Ultram, also known as tramadol, was approved by the FDA in 1998 and acts centrally (in the brain) to modulate the sensation of pain.
The tiger is gone from my husband and he is not interested in my body to make romantic intimate love and will not touch me. His testosterone levels are normal. He can get ready ok to perform and make intimate love and he says he is not cheating. He says he is just tired for love making but, finds energy to do all his hobbies.
What is wrong with me? I am not ugly, I get hit on all the time by men of all ages, even 20 year olds, I am 35. I am very clean about my body. I am not inhibited sexually and have told him that I would try anything he wants.
Wellbutrin XL (bupropion hydrochloride), an antidepressant of the aminoketone class, is chemically unrelated to tricyclic, tetracyclic, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, or other known antidepressant agents. Its structure closely resembles that of diethylpropion
Tamiflu is used for:
Treating influenza, including H1N1 influenza (swine flu), in patients 1 year of age and older who have had symptoms for no more than 2 days. It may also be used to prevent influenza in patients 1 year of age and older.
Tamiflu is an antiviral. It works by stopping the flu virus from reproducing within the body.
Sleep problems are usually temporary and require medication for a week or two at most. Insomnia that lasts longer could be a sign of another medical problem. If you find that you need this medicine for more than 7 to 10 days, be sure to check with your doctor.
Ambien works very quickly. Take it just before going to bed. Take only the prescribed dose, exactly as instructed by your doctor.
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